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Numerous advances in cardiac nuclear imaging led American Society of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC) President-elect Panithaya Chareonthaitawee, MD, to predict "We are on the edge of a new journey in nuclear cardiology, and the opportunities before us are just as vast as they are exciting and promising."

"We are on the edge of a new journey in nuclear cardiology," explained ASNC President-elect Panithaya Chareonthaitawee, MD.



Bleeding and vascular complications were more common, but one-year outcomes confirmed patients in their nineties should still be considered for TAVR.


Kathleen Campbell Walker, JD, immigration practice group chair at the law firm Dickinson Wright, explains how outdated immigration policy is exacerbating the healthcare staffing shortage.

cardiologists evaluating the human heart to provide a treatment strategy

Care teams regularly targeting AFib symptoms with LVA ablation in addition to PVI may want to reconsider. 

Around the web

Eleven medical societies have signed on to a consensus statement aimed at standardizing imaging for suspected cardiovascular infections.

Kate Hanneman, MD, explains why many vendors and hospitals want to lower radiology's impact on the environment. "Taking steps to reduce the carbon footprint in healthcare isn’t just an opportunity," she said. "It’s also a responsibility."

Philips introduced a new CT system at ECR aimed at the rapidly growing cardiac CT market, incorporating numerous AI features to optimize workflow and image quality.