AHA creates tech center, encourages engagement from industry players
In an effort to find solutions to problems in healthcare using tech, the American Heart Association (AHA) has launched the Center for Health Technology & Innovation (CHTI).
The endeavor will work to find methods to improve patient outcomes, lower costs for both patients and providers, and increase their engagement in managing healthcare through technology, the organization said in a statement.
“Collaboration is essential to delivering health technology innovations that can make a meaningful difference in patients’ lives,” said AHA CEO Nancy Brown. “Combining our foundation of scientific knowledge with the technology and data management expertise of our partners is the most efficient pathway to achieving progress.”
Companies can join the center’s health tech collaborative and receive access to research, AHA experts and other useful tools. Additionally, they’ll be able to participated in forums and collaborate with other industry professionals.
The first of AHA's forums, the Health Tech & Innovation Forum, will be held this weekend in San Francisco.
“Traditionally, the tech space has offered rapid innovation and disruptive technologies but lacked the scientific rigor and clinical research,” said Eric Peterson, MD, professor of medicine in the Division of Cardiology and the associate director of the Duke Clinical Research Institute. “The CHTI seeks to bring tech and health science together so that each can benefit from the other’s strengths.”