With the rollout of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and changes to reimbursements, Emory Saint Joseph’s Hospital in Atlanta, GA, recognizes it’s a critical time to control expenses.
Emory Saint Joseph’s Hospital is turning to operational excellence to effectively manage more than $2.5 million in inventory. A 410 bed, acute-care facility, they are recognized as a top specialty-referral hospital and leader in cardiac care and have been using RFID automation and inventory management best practices to monitor over 2,000 SKUs in seven Cardiac Catheterization labs and three Electrophysiology labs. While maintaining a very tight lean inventory, Lisa Newton, Unit Director of Invasive Cardiology, will share their story of how they have developed an automated inventory model with the right amount products sitting on the shelves that their cardiovascular doctors need, and quickly achieved a return in capturing lost revenue, support patient safety and staff satisfaction.
Learning Objectives:
Lisa Newton, BSN, RN Unit Director, Invasive Cardiology Emory Saint Joseph's Hospital | Lisa Stepps Account Manager Cardinal Health Inventory Management |