The 2013 merger between Edward Hospital & Health Services and Elmhurst Memorial Healthcare created one of the largest health systems in Illinois. As is often the case with this type of amalgamation, executives of the newly named Edward-Elmhurst Health faced numerous integration challenges and had to determine the best way to maximize each organization’s strengths. Thankfully, one thing that required little effort was deciding on a cardiology system.
The 2013 merger between Edward Hospital & Health Services and Elmhurst Memorial Healthcare created one of the largest health systems in Illinois. As is often the case with this type of amalgamation, executives of the newly named Edward-Elmhurst Health faced numerous integration challenges and had to determine the best way to maximize each organization’s strengths. Thankfully, one thing that required little effort was deciding on a cardiology system.
Radiologist Marc Liebeskind, MD, doesn’t need to strain his memory to recall a time when he saw a health insurer’s authorization process come between sound clinical judgment and a patient’s clearly indicated care.
As reimbursement challenges grow for outpatient imaging, many practices are struggling to remain afloat. However, with the right technology, it’s very possible to stay ahead of the curve.
Over the last few years, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center’s enterprise imaging strategy has been simmering. After starting with radiology and cardiology, the hospital is preparing to add images from across all ‘ologies and fully bring its enterprise archive to a boil.
Radiology and cardiology departments have long produced significant imaging volumes, but the volumes of imaging exams performed in other specialties are now easily surpassing that amount.
Imaging Specialists of Charleston, a radiologist-owned, full-service medical imaging center in a South Carolina suburb faces stiff competition in its region, specifically from a trio of hospital-based imaging providers.