Experience Stories

Expert Panel

Expert panel explores the importance of shared decision-making when treating heart valve disease

Sponsored by Medtronic

Shared decision-making is absolutely crucial when diagnosing and treating heart valve disease (HVD). Should a transcatheter intervention be considered or is surgery the best choice? Would the patient respond better to an artificial or a bioprosthetic heart valve? These are just a couple of the key questions that are vital for the entire heart team—and the patient—to be involved in that discussion.

‘Making good, better’: Next-gen TAVR techniques and protocols optimize patient care, boost efficiency

Sponsored by Medtronic

Innovation in the transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) space has upped the ante once again.

A Physician’s Perspective: Atherectomy to Help Address the Challenges of Complex Care

Sponsored by Cardiovascular Systems, Inc.

For patients with peripheral arterial disease, the mainstay of initial treatment is always risk factor modification, ambulation, and compliance with guideline-based medical therapies. However, for patients who have lifestyle limiting claudication or have progressed to critical limb ischemia (CLI), intervention is warranted.

Championing Alternative PAD Access in the Office-based Lab

Sponsored by Terumo

Improving access is at the center of a pair of new trends in treating peripheral artery disease (PAD). First is the office-based lab (OBL) expanding access to more PAD patients needing therapy, and the second is physicians more often choosing alternative access such as radial, tibial or pedal to treat those patients. Why now?

CSI Headshot

Medical Device Representatives: The Untold Story

Sponsored by Cardiovascular Systems, Inc.

The patient was a 77-year old diabetic with an ulcer on her big toe. There was almost no blood flow to the foot, and she was in terrible pain. Her podiatrist had sent her to the hospital. The nurses who initially checked the foot had seen cases like this plenty of times. If the woman was lucky, the surgeon might be able to amputate the foot and save the rest of the leg below the knee.

Doctor at computer station

Novant Health Brings Cardiology into Agfa HealthCare's Enterprise Imaging

Sponsored by AGFA HealthCare

As recently as eight months ago, cardiologists sitting down to work with medical images at Novant Health had plenty of choices on where and how to go about that part of their jobs.


Cardiologist bounces back after pandemic with help from informatics platform

Sponsored by Hitachi Healthcare Americas

In February and March 2020, the inevitable happened: COVID-19 came to the United States, hitting the country’s healthcare system like a 10-pound sledgehammer. 


Cardiovascular Leaders Survey: About the Survey

Sponsored by Philips Healthcare

The Cardiovascular Business team embarked on this survey to gain a deeper understanding of the current state of cardiovascular health, the role CVIS plays and the goals cardiovascular leaders have established for the next few years.