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Recent Newsletters
Week in Review: FDA's new safety warning | J&J considering a sale | AVR recommended for asymptomatic severe AS | Much more |
AVR recommended for asymptomatic severe AS | The most lucrative heart procedures | HeartBeam's public offering |
Final decision on new cardiovascular board coming soon | J&J may sell its stroke business | Biolimus-coated balloons fall short |
Interventional heart failure: A subspecialty on the rise | ACC takes on key policy issues | Novartis to acquire drugmaker |
Benzodiazepine use before heart surgery: Should it be embraced or restricted? | Beta-blockers & takotsubo syndrome |
FDA's warning about atherectomy devices | New ASE guidelines | AI boosts stroke care | Heart patient's family settles lawsuit |
Week in Review: Be good to your teeth | TAVR on the weekend | Cardiologist-supported bill returns to Congress | More |