Cardiologist praises Mediterranean diet, says keto and paleo diets are bad for the heart
A veteran cardiologist has shared her thoughts on the ongoing debate about which diets are good for the heart and which may actually be detrimental.
Elizabeth Klodas, MD, the Minneapolis-based cardiologist who founded Step One Foods, was interviewed for the Eat This, Not That website, sharing three diets she thinks are the best for the heart and three that she thinks are the worst.
The best diet for a person’s heart health, according to Klodas, was the Mediterranean diet, a popular choice that prioritizes whole foods and fresh fruits and vegetables. The diet also limits meat consumption, allowing leaner options such as fish, but not processed or red meats.
Klodas also praised the Mediterranean diet for being more than just another way to lose weight.
“A diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables that limits sodium can be as effective as a drug in lowering blood pressure,” she said.
When looking at options that can be bad for the heart, Klodas focused on a group of low-carb diets that are all high in animal protein and fat: the keto diet, paleo diet and Atkins diet.
These diets, Klodas explained, can affect a person’s vascular function and lead to elevated levels of LDL cholesterol.
“I've seen especially large increases in LDL in patients following keto,” she said.
Klodas also shared her opinions on several other diets. Click the link below for the full story.