The veteran cardiologist had been worried that cerebral protection devices were only being used to treat TAVR patients with specific insurance plans. The lawsuit has now been resolved to the “mutual satisfaction” of both parties.
Any devices that claim to make blood glucose measurements without piercing the user's skin are associated with a heightened risk of error, the agency said.
LumiGuide uses fiber optic realShape (FORS) technology, where light is reflected along an optical fiber inside a guidewire to generate 3D, high-resolution, color images of devices inside a patient’s body
Image courtesy of the American College of Cardiology.
Alain Cribier, MD, a veteran interventional cardiologist out of France, died at the age of 79. The procedure he helped put on the map is arguably cardiology's most significant breakthrough in the last several decades.
Multiple factors can interfere with pulse oximetry accuracy including skin pigmentation. Multiple studies have shown the inaccuracy of current pulse oximeters in patients with darker skin tones than whites, often over estimating their oxygenation when in fact they are hypoxic.
Black patients are already less likely to receive LVADs or transplants compared to whites, and these inaccurate readings can further widen the disparities.
Reprieve Cardiovascular emerged from stealth mode this week with sizable financial backing and some big name board members to advance development for its intelligent, automated diuretic and fluid management system for heart failure.
A judge upheld a previous trial victory that cleared Prairie Cardiovascular Consults of alleged mishandling of a patient and not fully understanding the severity of the heart condition prior to their death.
Examples of photon-counting coronary angiography showing how clarity improves as the thickness of the image is reduced. Top: 60-year-old female, with noncalcified plaque (arrowheads) and coronary stenosis (inset images). The reduced section thickness did not affect assessment in this patient. Bottom: 56-year-old female with calcified plaque (arrowheads) and coronary stenosis. The reduced section thickness leads to less calcium blooming and therefore a less severe percentage of stenosis. Photos courtesy of RSNA.
After a photon-counting CT, 54% of patients had their coronary artery disease classification downgraded.
An example of an AI incidental opportunistic finding alert for coronary calcium in a CT scan unrelated to cardiology, detected using the Nanox AI algorithm.
Rads only reported this incidental finding in about 31% to 44% of cases, experts detailed in the Journal of the American College of Radiology.