Inaccurate pulse oximeter readings impact Black heart failure patients and FDA plans to address this

Multiple factors can interfere with pulse oximetry accuracy including skin pigmentation. Multiple studies have shown the inaccuracy of current pulse oximeters in patients with darker skin tones than whites, often over estimating their oxygenation when in fact they are hypoxic. Images courtesy of Masimo.

Multiple factors can interfere with pulse oximetry accuracy including skin pigmentation. Multiple studies have shown the inaccuracy of current pulse oximeters in patients with darker skin tones than whites, often over estimating their oxygenation when in fact they are hypoxic. 

Black patients are already less likely to receive LVADs or transplants compared to whites, and these inaccurate readings can further widen the disparities.

Coronary artery disease classification improved with photon-counting CT

Examples of photon-counting coronary angiography showing how clarity improves as the thickness of the image is reduced. Top: 60-year-old female, with noncalcified plaque (arrowheads) and coronary stenosis (inset images). The reduced section thickness did not affect assessment in this patient. Bottom: 56-year-old female with calcified plaque (arrowheads) and coronary stenosis. The reduced section thickness leads to less calcium blooming and therefore a less severe percentage of stenosis. Courtesy of RSNA

Examples of photon-counting coronary angiography showing how clarity improves as the thickness of the image is reduced. Top: 60-year-old female, with noncalcified plaque (arrowheads) and coronary stenosis (inset images). The reduced section thickness did not affect assessment in this patient. Bottom: 56-year-old female with calcified plaque (arrowheads) and coronary stenosis. The reduced section thickness leads to less calcium blooming and therefore a less severe percentage of stenosis. Photos courtesy of RSNA.

After a photon-counting CT, 54% of patients had their coronary artery disease classification downgraded.

Routine chest CT often reveals patients at risk for cardiovascular disease, presenting radiology with ‘untapped’ potential

Examples of the messages the Nanox AI algorithms display for incidental findings of spinal compression fractures and detection of coronary calcium. Both can help physicians better understand risk factors or need for therapy in patients through these types of opportunistic screenings on scans being performed for other reasons.

An example of an AI incidental opportunistic finding alert for coronary calcium in a CT scan unrelated to cardiology, detected using the Nanox AI algorithm. 

Rads only reported this incidental finding in about 31% to 44% of cases, experts detailed in the Journal of the American College of Radiology