Vascular Programs Can Bring New Business Opportunities

Chris P. Kaiser, Editor
Initiating a vascular program into your practice has its challenges, but in this economy, it’s a move that should be pursued, says John O. Goodman, in a commentary appearing in this Endovascular Portal.

Hospitals and practices are reviewing all phases of their operations to determine what can be eliminated or streamlined for better efficiencies. In these tight economic times, many administrators are not even thinking about adding services to their programs. This is the perfect time, however, to consider pulling in some business from a previously unexplored patient base.

New technologies, a more comprehensive understanding of vascular disease and an ever-growing population with vascular disease have combined to create an atmosphere that is ripe for cardiologists to apply their entrepreneurial and interventional skill. Goodman projects that adding vascular to one's practice can increase revenues up to 80 percent more of what their current coronary practice is generating.

Generally, initiating a vascular program entails various specialties working together, including interventional cardiologists, vascular surgeons, neurosurgeons and interventional radiologists. A problem arises because there isn’t one standard for vascular quality management programs. Each specialty has its own standards and they don’t always agree with each other.

Nevertheless, it’s important to develop quality management programs and to seek consensus from all participants, says Tina Brinton, in another featured article in this portal. Brinton details the most important components to have in a quality management program—and the most important elements with which all players need to agree.

She doesn’t mince words, saying that everyone has to know up front that these programs are challenging to initiate. But she also says that they are well worth it, both from the hospital and patient perspective.

The other articles in this portal will help update you regarding the field of endovascular care. I also encourage you to read our two-part series on “Emerging Technologies in Peripheral Vascular Intervention,” written by Dr. David Allie and published in the last two issues of Cardiovascular Business. The first emphasized peripheral arterial disease treatments, especially for critical limb ischemia. The second reviewed new technologies that hold the potential to improve outcomes.  

In addition, if you’re looking for information about endovascular technology, be sure to stop by our Healthcare TechGuide. Company and product listings, whitepapers and upcoming events are just a mouse click away.

Lastly, if you have a comment or report to share about any aspect of endovascular imaging or intervention, please contact me at the address below. I look forward to hearing from you.

Chris P. Kaiser
Cardiovascular Business

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