Health Disparities

Health disparities have the largest impact on the access, quality of care and outcomes overall in many patient populations defined by factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, education level, income, disability, geographic location. Many other factors also play a role, including if a patient is in a rural of urban location, distances to hospitals, pharmacies and clinics. These factors of inequitable access or healthcare are often directly related to the historical and ongoing unequal distribution of social, political, economic, and environmental resources. This page includes content defining health disparities and efforts to address them.

VIDEO: Gender differences in women with cardiovascular disease and implications for imagers

Erin D. Michos, MD, co-editor in chief of the American Journal of Preventive Cardiology, discusses gender differences in heart disease presentations.

LaPrincess Brewer, M.D., a Mayo Clinic preventive cardiologist and principal investigator of the study, explains a heart model.

An immediate impact: Smartphone app boosts health of Black patients in just 10 weeks

A new trial for participants from 16 church groups in Minnesota showed that app users significantly improved their heart health scores after just 10 weeks.


Cardiologists applaud new research on social/structural determinants of health among heart patients

The American Heart Association and Association of Black Cardiologists announced the winners of a six-month data challenge, describing health equity as "one of the most pressing areas in healthcare.”

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Hispanic PAD patients often face longer hospitalizations, higher costs

Hispanic adults with peripheral artery disease tend to seek care through the emergency department—and they are paying the price.


Removing bias from the treatment of heart disease

Physician bias can create disparities in patient care, and the team behind a new program at the University of Arizona hopes to address that issue. 

A novel, cost-effective way to deliver care: Treat high blood pressure at Black-owned barbershops

Hypertension rates are higher among Black men than any other racial or ethnic group in the entire country.


AHA condemns Trump administration’s latest attack on ACA

The American Heart Association noted that the Affordable Care Act has provided “invaluable patient protections for millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions.”


Society of Thoracic Surgeons condemns racism and violence as protests intensify

As protests continue throughout the world in the wake of George Floyd’s death, the Society of Thoracic Surgeons has issued a statement condemning racism and violence.

Around the web

Eleven medical societies have signed on to a consensus statement aimed at standardizing imaging for suspected cardiovascular infections.

Kate Hanneman, MD, explains why many vendors and hospitals want to lower radiology's impact on the environment. "Taking steps to reduce the carbon footprint in healthcare isn’t just an opportunity," she said. "It’s also a responsibility."

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