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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced that Inari Medical is recalling its ClotTriever XL catheter for removing blood clots and other blockages from large blood vessels. The news comes after the FDA received several reports of “serious adverse events” due to the device becoming entrapped or blocking arteries in the patient’s lungs. Six deaths and four other patient injuries have been associated with the issue so far.

The FDA ruled that this is a Class I recall due to the significant risks for patients. Customers are not required to return the devices, however. Inari Medical has provided updated warnings and recommendations that should be followed. 

CMS wants feedback after proposing a significant update to CCTA reimbursement payments. The American College of Cardiology, a longtime champion for improved cardiac CT payments, is now helping its members make their voices heard.

Researchers have found that an unexpected combination—artificial intelligence (AI) and a 3D body scanner—can evaluate a person’s metabolic health and identify significant risks of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other adverse outcomes. In fact, the technique may prove to be more accurate than knowing a person’s body mass index (BMI) or waist-to-hip ratio.

Mayo Clinic specialists have developed a new way to identify risks of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other adverse outcomes.

cardiologist viewing heart data

Researchers combined data from three well-known clinical trials—NOTION, Evolut Low Risk and PARTNER 3—and evaluated thousands of low-risk patients who presented with severe aortic stenosis. 

Around the web

Eleven medical societies have signed on to a consensus statement aimed at standardizing imaging for suspected cardiovascular infections.

Kate Hanneman, MD, explains why many vendors and hospitals want to lower radiology's impact on the environment. "Taking steps to reduce the carbon footprint in healthcare isn’t just an opportunity," she said. "It’s also a responsibility."

Philips introduced a new CT system at ECR aimed at the rapidly growing cardiac CT market, incorporating numerous AI features to optimize workflow and image quality.