A comparison on the black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy (left) with PET cardiac myocardial perfusion nuclear imaging exams (right). The cardiac diagnosis of the galactic heart is motion artifact. Black hole image from the EHT Collaboration
The first image of the black hole at the heart of our Milky Way galaxy amazed the scientific community, but left cardiologists with questions about the true cardiac health of the galaxy.
The American College of Cardiology (ACC), Association of Black Cardiologists, American Heart Association and Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions are just some of the healthcare organizations supporting the FDA's proposal.
American College of Cardiology (ACC) President Edward T. A. Fry, MD, of the Ascension St. Vincent Hospital in Indianapolis, discusses the first in-person ACC meeting in three years and the impact of COVID-19 on cardiology practice.
More than 3,500 college athletes with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis were included in the new study. The median follow-up period was more than one full year.
CT-FFR, which recently got a boost from the 2021 AHA/ACC chest pain guidelines, could play a key role for clinicians hoping to screen TAVR patients for coronary heart disease.